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Healthy, Active Little ones!
'Help your child move and play everyday!'
British Heart Foundation










Since 2016, East Sussex Public Health have been working with Preschool and Nurseries to help transform health and well being outcomes for young children and their families. We have recently begun working with them and will be working on promoting Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Oral Health within our setting.
Physical Play
We will be sorting varied physical activity for your children during the course of their time with us. To find out more about physicality, follow this link. Our play and learning policies support physical play in our learning environment and through a public health grant, we have been able to purchase a range of equipment to promote movement, including a range of early movers and sticky kids CD's, balls, balance boards, a small scale physical trail and a frame climbing wall!
The aim of this project is to:
To ensure that we allow time for gross motor and fine motor movement during all sessions, both indoor and outdoors.
To make staff and parents more aware of the importance of physicality in the early years.
The impact of the use of this project and new equipment will be:
Children will enjoy and seek out physical challenge and opportunities to be physical.
Children's physicality and gross motor skills will be stronger and develop more fluidly than in previous years.
We will see physical play through climbing, running, cycling, carrying, pushing, pulling and varied level activity, as well as ball skills.
Healthy Eating
During our snack times we will work to promote healthy choices for eating, providing a balanced choice of fruits, vegetables or salad items alongside bread or crackers and cheese. Children's snack time choices will be communicated to parents in our Weekly Update newsletters. We are also encouraging all children and their families to cook together and think about healthy eating through the use of our 'Cooking Teddy' - a teddy and book that goes home with the children to record a recipe that families have made together. This is shared with all children each week and communicated on Tapestry too!
The aim of this project is to:
To support children's enjoyment of healthy eating and trying a range of foods through snack times and cooking sessions at preschool.
To promote healthy eating and lifestyles in our children and families.
The impact of this will be:
We will see a wider variety of lunchbox options that children bring in.
Children will be more open to the snack choices that they make during our sessions.
Parents and children will be involved with our 'Teddy Chef' project.
Preparing varied and healthy lunchboxes daily for your little ones can be daunting at first, and thinking of new ideas to try can be tricky. Please click here for some amazing ideas for packed lunches from the First Steps Nutrition Trust.
Eating well in the early years is so important and the First Steps Nutrition Trust has loads of snack and lunch ideas for little ones...
The Let's Get Cooking website offers some fab family meal ideas, with lots of easy to follow recipes...
Oral Health
We actively encourage good oral health within our setting, not only through healthier choices with food and drink, but also in our role play with the children.
The aim of this project is to:
Build up early positive experiences and ideas about the dentist and oral hygiene.
To encourage children to be active in wanting to brush their teeth.
To raise awareness in families of the importance of oral hygiene from the early years.
The impact of the use of this project and new equipment will be:
Children will play and talk alongside one another about the dentists and learn that they are people who help us.
Children will talk about teeth brushing through use of the dental care models purchased, and other activities planned.
Parents will have more awareness of oral hygiene through our project, the use of Tapestry for feedback and tips and hints that come home.
Children will learn about the importance of brushing their teeth twice a day.
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