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Learning at Mayfield Pre-school

"Necessity may be the mother of invention, but play is certainly the father". Roger Van Oech.


At Mayfield Pre-school we firmly believe that children learn best when they feel happy, safe and nurtured in their surroundings.  This is why when your child begins with us, we first work on their Personal, Social and Emotional well-being.

Our supportive key people will get to know your child during their first term with us, what their key interests are and the types of learning that they enjoy.  We then plan from your child's interests - setting 'next steps' in their individual learning to enhance their development, through fun and inviting learning opportunities, all of which will be shared with you.

Play based, hands-on learning, is the approach we take at our Pre-school, gleaning what children know through skilled conversation and questions during the natural course of their activity.  We do this in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (2017) which sets out the 'Areas of Learning and Development' that make up the skills, knowledge and experiences to help your child grow in their learning.

To find out more about the EYFS and the Prime and Specific Areas of Learning, please click here.


As stressed before, our priority for your child is to create a fun, safe and nurturing environment in which your child can thrive in stimulating surroundings.  In order to achieve this we have an established set of policies to ensure we meet the need of the children, their parents and carers, as well as our financial and legal obligations  For more information on these, please follow this link.



At Mayfield Pre-school we are mindful of keeping your children safe and this is paramount to all staff.  The Early Years Foundation Stage, Child Protection (3.4) states that "Providers must be alert to any issues for concern in a child’s life at home or elsewhere. Providers must have and implement a policy, and procedures, to safeguard children".  Our team receive regular and up to date training regarding safeguarding and know that we have a duty of care to all.  Find out more about safeguarding at Mayfield Pre-school and e-safety for your little ones here.


Prevent Duty

On the 1st July 2015 The Prevent Duty came into force and all childcare providers must have regard to prevent people being drawn into terrorism. To find out more about this and the Fundamental British Values in our early years setting, please click here.

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